Thursday, March 30, 2006
Goodies review tres- Cafe Cartel

Went to Plaza Singapura Cafe Cartel on 26th Mar evening. Haha... Was crapping about what happened on Sat in TCC (Mildred broke a glass cup and terrorised the servers there.)
I ordered a Chocolate Mint Frappe, while Mr Piot Wanabe ordered a caramel frappe. I don't really dare to try his because he's down with bird flu. Sorry, I wasn't meant to be cruel. *Evil laughter.
And so hmmm, my chocolate mint frappe... just plain ice blended chocolate. But where's my mint? I didn't manage to eat those small chocolate buttons, perhaps they are the minted flavour chocs. But again, who cares, they are not considerate enough, the chocs buttons cannot be suck through the tiny hole of the black straw. I need spoon, silver one. The frappe 's sweet, real sweet. I'm a bit disappointed though.
For the caramel frappe, I believed it has caramel sweetness, through inferring from my choc mint, it shouldn't be any better. Haha.. Or else, I should ask Mr Wanabe.
By the way, we noticed one interesting thing. One of the waiters got a few thick brushes ( size of blusher's brush) in the back pocket of his jeans. Wonder what he use them for. I told Mr Watabe that the brushes are for applying honey on pork ribs, but the more I think, the more it's too li pu. Hmmm... I'm still pondering. Anyone who knows, tell me por favor, gracias.
We really had nothing to do that day. As we ordered our drinks, we cracked a joke with the waitress. I asked for a HOT ICE-blended coffee. Hmmm... And then....
The waitress didn't get the joke. Perhaps all of you didn't understand it too, because it's a lame joke, too unconvinced. Haha... So that's about it...
Alrite, back to business..
Therefore, I'm giving my Chocolate Mint Frappe (SGD 5 plus) 2.5 hmmms out of 5.
Mr Wanabe rated his Caramel Frappe (SGD5 plus) 2 out of 5 hmmms. He rather drink the frappe from starbucks, because "it (frappe from cafe cartel) tastes like like hmmm, didn't taste like anything, tastes like ice coffee?"
est simplement magnifique 11:28 PM